Friday, March 25, 2011

blog for the week of march 21 #2

Well this week has been really long but really productive. The poster designing is going really great and i feel really motivated for some reason. My posters really seem to focus on the fact that romeo and juliet are from two different backgrounds and still manage to fall in love. Like one is a poster of montague and capulet high divided and a heart in between the divide line. I hope that every one is coming up with great ideas as well Keep up the good work team!

week of march 21 blog #1

This week I am going to work on the romeo and juliet posters.I am very excited for this project if every one from both schools keep up the good work it should turn out really well. I hope this will turn out great.
Soon i will post my first poster to my blog. My teacher thinks its great i created it with microsoft clip art and paint tools.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

blog post #1

My name is Malcolm Oatneal and i was assigned to the group of print advertising.
I my self didn't actually want the job it was given to me by my teacher for some reason.
Well apparently i have to make posters for the play of Romeo and juliet.
I'm excited about how our movie will turn out it should be really fun.
I plan to make alot of posters and flyers to make the stage really nifty.
I really hope alot of people will get envoled. Hopefully every thing turns out really well